2012年5月31日 星期四

Cisco 2960、2960S、3560X、3750X Software License...

  1.  Cisco 2960以上系列的Switch(不包含4500以上)Software license基本上主要分成下面四種:

         > LAN Lite -- 具備基本的Layer2功能,但不包含QoS及基本的Security功能

         > LAN Base -- 具備進階的Layer2功能及Static Route,包含VTPv3、Flexlink,及其他

     2.  Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Software

In addition to IP Base and IP Services feature sets, the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series come with a new LAN Base feature set. The three feature sets available with all Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches are:

LAN Base: Enhanced Intelligent Services

IP Base: Baseline Enterprise Services

IP Services: Enterprise Services

The LAN Base feature set offers enhanced intelligent services that includes comprehensive Layer 2 features, with up-to 255 VLANs. 但支援16筆static route
The IP Base feature set provides baseline enterprise services in addition to all LAN Base features, with 1K VLANs. IP Base also includes the support for routed access, MACsec, and the new Cisco Service Module. 支援static route、RIPv1/v2、RIPng、EIGRP stub
The IP Services feature set provides full enterprise services that includes advanced Layer 3 features such as Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM), and IPv6 routing such as OSPFv3 and EIGRPv6. All software feature sets support advanced security, QoS, and management features.以下功能也需要IP Service:
1. PBR

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series Switches with LAN Base feature set can only stack with other Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series LAN Base switches. A mixed stack of LAN Base switch with IP Base or IP Services features set is not supported.==>兩台不同SW的C3750X不能互相堆疊

2012年5月30日 星期三

再來談談Nexus M1、M2、F1、F2的差別

I have written an article few months ago touching the main differences between the F1 and M1 cards in the Cisco Nexus 7k platform. The main difference between those two that the M1 cards will do major and all Layer 3 related features and operations, while the F1 card will do the Layer 2 operations.
Recently, Cisco has introduced the F2 and M2 cards. The M2 cards will give the data center the expansion to run 40G and 100G infrastructure. In this article, i would look into the main differences between the F2 and F1 card.
The F2 still provide all the built-in features of F1 line card. It actually take the operation further to provide better bandwidth. Currently, the F2 card will give wire-rate speed. This means that 48 port populated with 10G links will run in non-blocking architecture. Something new that was not possible in the older line cards, of course this all became possibility with the FAB-2 (fabric module 2)
One of the main advantages and upgrades it the ability to run in Layer 3. The Cisco Nexus 7000 48-Port 1 and 10 Gigabit Ethernet F2-Series Module will be able to delivers 720 million packets per second (mpps) of distributed Layer 2 and Layer 3 forwarding and up to 480 Gbps of data throughput.But the F2 cards lack the ability to run OTV or MPLS.
All in one, if doing a new purchase of Nexus 7k. Just buy the F2 cards. IF there is a need for OTV and MPLS then you would need to get the M1 card. Otherwise, F2 will suffice for all the data center networking needs.

M1可以做到Layer 3的全功能,包含新的技術如OTV、LISP、MPLS等;

F1只能做到Layer 2的功能!


F2可以做到F1的所有功能,並且在48 port的10G interface下讓每個port都跑到wire speed,但前提是,必須把Nexus的Fabric module都使用FAB2,不過就功能面而言,F2仍然一樣,只能跑Layer 2功能,要OTV、LISP等進階功能,還是要選擇使用M系列的模組。


2012年5月29日 星期二

Nexus 7000的模組傻傻分不清楚嗎?

 看過  Nexus7000 的模組可能很多人搞不清楚,有M1,F1,F2,差別在哪呢?

 "F"可以解釋成"Fabric" ,"FCoE",或"Fast",或是把它跟F1賽車聯想在一起,就是快啦!
但是F2 module本身也兼具Layer 2與Layer 3功能 。


         料號                                            功能
Nexus 7000 - 32 Port 1G/10G Ethernet Module, SFP/SFP+
Nexus 7000 F2-Series 48 Port 10GbE (req. SFP+)
Nexus 7000 - 8 Port 10GbE with XL option (req. X2)
Nexus 7000 - 32 Port 10GbE, 80G Fabric (req. SFP+)
Nexus 7000 - 32 Port 10GbE with XL Option, 80G Fabric (req.
Nexus 7000 - 48 Port 1G, SFP
Nexus 7000 - 48 Port GE Module with XL Option (req. SFP)
Nexus 7000 - 48 Port 10/100/1000 Module with XL option

N7K-M206FQ-23L                     Nexus 7000 M2-Series 6 Port 40 GbE with XL Option (req.      

N7K-M202CF-22L                      Nexus 7000 M2-Series 2 Port 100 GbE with XL Option (req.       


2012年5月28日 星期一

Cisco Switch Flex Link的應用

     在早期,想要在Cisco Switch上完成L2線路備援,工程師會立刻想到使用STP或是EtherChannel,但這兩種方式都有一些小缺點,you know,STP會需要收斂時間,而EtherChannel需要參與其中的interface具備相同的條件(speed、duplex等),現在新的Cisco Swich上多了一個功能--Flex Link,可以取代以上兩種方式。首先,甚麼是Flex Link,可以參考http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/lan/catalyst2960/software/release/12.2_53_se/configuration/guide/swflink.html,這一份文件上是以Edge Switch往上串接兩台不同的(Core)Switch,當往其中一台(Core)Switch的線路斷線時,另外一條線路會自動啟用生效,當然,文件中也提供給我們另一種應用,就是搭配VLAN的設定,讓不同的VLAN traffic往不同的線路流動,但使用Flex Link做斷線時的備援動作。
     而我的應用方式比較特別,緣由是客戶希望從Core Switch到Edge Switch上使用高速10G與低速1G兩條光纖線路互相連接(會這樣做當然是因為$考量),平常主要跑10G這一條線路,當10G線路斷線後,1G線路可以接手,於是我嘗試使用Flex Link的方式完成這個期望,看似與原本原廠文件中的三台Switch的架構不同,但實際測試後還真的被我試出來了。而設定方式簡單的說就是如下:

Switch(config)# interface gigabitehernet1/0/11
Switch(config)# interface gigabitehernet0/11
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Switch(config-if)# switchport backup interface gigabitehernet0/12
Switch(config-if)# exit
Switch(config)# interface gigabitehernet1/0/12
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Switch(config-if)# end

Gigabitethernet0/12就是Gigabitethernet0/11的備援囉,關鍵就在backup interface這一個指令啦!

2012年5月27日 星期日


網路芳鄰能不能跨網段? 終於在一個專案中搞清楚了!
客戶原本的網路環境是IP/IPX並行,該專案目的之一是要將IPX拿掉,讓網路純跑IP,但不幸的,專案執行時發現,拿掉IPX同時也讓客戶網路芳鄰無法跨網段了,因為原本的跨網段是靠IPX完成的,要在IP環境上完成,需要架設WINS server,但合約上又寫說不能架設WINS server,且該專案客戶堅持要維持原使用者使用習慣,所以呢........悲劇發生了,差點無法驗收!


運作原理大概就是,在同一個網段中,windows電腦開機時會廣播(廣播自己的電腦名稱、群組名稱或網域名稱、IP),前五分鐘會每一分鐘廣播一次,之後每十二分鐘廣播一次,目的是要在每一個子網路中選出一個Domain Master Browser(簡稱DMB),及一個Backup Browser,而遴選的條件包含:

1.新的作業系統優先,例如 Windows 2000 比 Windows NT 優先當選。
2.如果作業系統相同,則比較版本,例如 NT 4.0 > NT 3.51。
3.如果版本相同,則比較修正版,例如 SP2 > SP1。

DMB的作用在於集合子網路中所有的開機電腦的IP/Host Name清單(Browser List),而如果有WINS server,則DMB會將Browser List送給WINS server統合後,再回傳給DMB,如此一來,DMB就有所有網域中的Browser List,也就可以讓每一子網路的電腦跨子網域做網路芳鄰的檔案共享。

Cisco ASA5500 "booting system please wait"問題

今天到某大集團臨時叫修,原因是該公司兩台ASA 5500在跳電後完全開不起來,接console後,發現尋停留在"booting system please wait"直覺上就是HW failure,向負責人很抱歉地說明必須後送了,但對方感覺不可思議,基於"救贖"的精神,我提出了一個死馬當活馬醫的辦法,就是把機器拆開來,把所有相關能插拔的原件都重新插拔一次,包含Flash、記憶體等,ㄟ~~~,果然有效,其中一台看來是兩條記憶體中的其中一條記憶體壞了,但第二台如法泡製卻還是回天乏術,回來嘗試找找Cisco討論區上是否有相關的討論,果然是電子零件的問題,https://supportforums.cisco.com/thread/2003525,又學到一次經驗了,突然的停電對某些ASA5500的防火牆的確會造成嚴重的影響。